Sadly, there are many Christians who believe that from the first day of our Lord's ministry, he told the crowds about his coming death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. It was only during the last 6 months of his earthly life that our Lord declared his imminent death. Jesus predicted his death, burial, and resurrection on four separate occasions. A study of these four predictions reveals three astonishing facts: who heard it, understood it, and when Jesus said a majority of New Testament scholars and students alike do not clearly understand it.
The Gospel of Christ
Four Prophetic Predictions
Prediction One:
Matthew 16:21-23, Mark 8:31-38, Luke 9:22-25
Conclusions: 1. Six months before his death.
2. First time the Twelve ____________.
3. Only the Twelve __________________.
Prediction Two:
Matthew 17:22-23, Mark 9:30-32, Luke 9:43b-45
Conclusions: 1. The Twelve were _______________.
2. The Twelve were silenced.
3. God prevented their ______________.
4. Two months before his death.
Third Prediction:
Matthew 20:17-19, Mark 10:32-34, Luke 18:31-34
Conclusions: 1. Two Weeks Before ___________.
2. Most Details Given.
Fourth Prediction:
Matthew 26:1-2, Mark 14:1-2
Conclusions: 1. Two Days Before His Death.
2. No REASON for WHY!